Data flow management solution Supporting the use of analysis results in business by comprehensively tracking the flow of corporate systems and data


    DATAWARETM DF# is a data flow analysis solution that comprehensively collects and analyzes complex enterprise data structures for the systematic and effective management.

    DF# is a data flow analysis solution that comprehensively collects and analyzes complex enterprise data structures in order to comprehensively track the flow of systems and data, which are important assets of a company.

    Easy analysis, simple monitoring

    • 1 Linkage and extensibility

      - Web-based solution supporting various platforms (OS, browsers)
      - Automatic linkage with various modeling tools, including metadata management, application impact analysis, and data quality management
      - Visualize the data flow of CDC, ETL, EAI, ESB, and external linkages

    Data flow management

    Comprehensive analysis of the data flow

    Conveniently check from
    data lineage analysis to linkage analysis

    • 01

      Data structure extraction and lineage analysis - Extracts and manages various information about data and the result of data analysis.
      Data flow information is processed in various forms such as registering a mapping definition, a model-based mapping, and developing a data flow collector.

    • 02

      DBMS and system impact analysis - Analyze the impact between systems using the selected DB object.

    • 03

      CDC, ETL, EAI, ESB external connection
      data flow visualization
      - We collect and analyze standard information such as CDC and ETL, which are the sources of data flow between numerous information assets existing in the company.

    • 04

      Application impact analysis - The relationship between the application services related to
      each information asset is analyzed.

    • 05

      Data model and quality linkage analysis - You can instantly see the data flow associated with the existing data management target data model and corresponding quality items.

    • 06

      Comprehensive data flow monitoring

    Flexible architecture, from analysis to monitoring
