Operation management solution JDBC I/O control, data masking, web-based SQL tool


    SQL management for DB of applications and commercial software that comply with the JDBC standard interface specification

    DATAWARETM SQL# provides access control, CRUD history and control, and data masking for users who access data consistently with data management and governance policy. It also provides JDBC standard interface for customer database work and SQL tools in various environments.

    Flexible connection and scalability

    • 1 Linkage and extensibility

      - Web-based SQL tools supporting various platforms (OS, browsers)
      - Provide SQL tools in eclipse integrated development environment
      - Provides a rich set of SQL tools that can run both on Windows and Mac
      - Provide analysis information of model, quality, and impact in association with DATAWARETM

    • 2 JDBC standard interface driver

      - The JDBC driver implements the JDBC international standard interface specification, and it allows user applications or commercial tools to collect all SQL information about database access
      - JDBC Driver supports all RDBMS and NoSQL that support JDBC standard interfaces such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Tibero, PostgreSQL, Hive, and Impala.

    Data operation tool

    Support web & CS-based SQL tools

    Supports low-cost operation management and
    JDBC access authority, execution history, and data masking

    • 01

      Data access policy management - Batch management of JDBC proxy server, DB access and SQL execution permission, and data masking policy
      - Check the individual and apply for additional permission
      - Check the access policy and SQL execution application masking information
      - Query execution by users on the DB that permission is granted through Web-SQL

    • 02

      JDBC standard interface driver - The JDBC driver implements the JDBC international standard interface specification, it allows user applications or commercial tools to collect all SQL information about DB access or use it for collecting and controlling execution results
      - JDBC Driver supports all RDBMS and NoSQL that support JDBC standard interfaces such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Tibero, PostgreSQL, Hive, and Impala.

    JDBC access authority, SQL execution history, data masking
